The English thread - all posts in English please

  • Hi panicfc,

    First of all - welcome to the board. Maybe, when FCA climbs up into the 1st Division, they will consider to make up some pages in Englisch as the club might become an international issue.

    Now because of the beer. I do not agree with some beers. Sure, Franziskaner and Paulaner are not too bad but Franziskaner for expample now belong to the Anheuser-Busch Dynasty. We have small breweries among Southern Bavaria which are much better.

    I used to live in Augsburg and now here in the southern part at the Austrian boder, it is alway a sort of "WOW-experience".

    Miesbacher, Maxlrainer, Kuchlbauer, Schwaiger, Unertl. The only brands who can compete from Augsburg are Riegele (with some subtractions) an Schwarzbraeu. Not to forget: Koenig Ludwig Dunkel and Andechser.

    We'll keep in touch. :grinsen:

  • Are those Austrian beers? Anheuser- Busch is now owned by AmBev from Belgian, but the beers are still not good.

    English pages - I use a firefox translator on the website, so it is pretty good. It would be nice to see an English site, maybe one day.

  • That's it - Inbev. Its AB, so I just move on :grinsen:

    Ayinger - that does not sound familiar, but I'm in Alabama and they just started allowing higher alcohol beers about 2 years ago. We do have a lot of Germans in the area though, so maybe we have it.

  • It´s Boring to read here, i don´t like Beer ;)

    (I hope my English is OK :whistling: )

    Platz 27: Nur noch 39 Punkte (bis KFC Uerdingen)/Enrico Maaẞen: 41 Spiele, 10-9-22 50:78 Tore (-28), 39 Punkte (0,9Ø)/Jess Thorup: 27 Spiele, 9-7-11 40:43 Tore (-3) 34 Punkte (1,3Ø)/Aktuelles Buch: James Redfield - Die Prophezeiungen von Celestine

  • Your English is great.

    That will conclude the beer survey till I find some new beers to drink. Now I have to be honest, I'm not a huge beer drinker, mostly because the imported stuff is about $4 or more a bottle. So don't expect me to rush out and fill my fridge.

    Oh, Sam Adams - that is the best of the American beers. Good call on that one.

    Okay now back to football - What do you expect the 2nd half of the season?

    Hertha Berlin - big club, poorly run, but they will be a huge challenger the 2nd half.

    Energie Cottbus - always a challenger. What do you expect from them?

    Outside of those two, who do you fear or respect the most?

    Which of the injured players will return and have the biggest impact?

    Who are the best young talents in the reserves or U19's?

    Okay so those are my new questions - look forward to the responses.

    Non-football: What is best of the local dishes? When I was in Zurich they had some potato thing that was great. I can never remember the name, but it was good stuff.

  • New question, how are the training facilities?

    Do the fans attend training?

    Rivals: almost everybody in the top8, it´s a tight race this time. hertha will still have it´s flaws like us the rest of the season .. personally I fear fürth and aue this year. but fürth has always won the 4th place ... so we are safe on that side.

    Local Dishes: Spätzle, Press-Sack (not in my opinion, but this is really augsburgian) and since I am not born here I can not name anymore specifics...

    Returners: I´d say Sinkala, with Reinhardt, Ndjeng, Traore on the run-up. I don´t know what to expect from sinkewitz, he is a good player, but very fragile body :)

    Talents: hard to say, since framberger, woltmann and nebel already getting some pro-time, but I expect rudolph, özkan, the feicht bros coming up too

    Training: yesterday´s new year´s start was attended by 73, so our local "yellowy press" paper informs. usually there are about 10-30, depends on the times/weather/last game/next game

  • Rivals - yeah, its going to be a tight season.

    Food: You guys eat this?
    I think it was Rösti that I had in Zurich.

    Sinkewitz - yeah. I had a conversation with a former Dutch national team player. We were discussing former Ajax player John O'Brien, who was always broken. The guy said "Smart player, but physically he is not up to the level". Said he would continue to break down because he just wasn't athletic enough for the game.

    Talents - good stuff. I'll have to check on the names.

    Training: 73, that's pretty good. I was in Perugia watching training and they had over 100 people watching training. It was crazy. Then at Viborg in Denmark they had about 15-20, but the weather was awful. I think they normally had a few more, but not that day.

  • Hi there!

    One question remains unanswered.

    How the training facilities are? That's a long story. The headquarters are at the opposite side of Augsburg and far away from our new stadium.
    They're quite old and previous players complained quite a bit about it because the grass was frozen at wintertime.

    One other problem is that at the HQ, they do not seem to have relaxation pools and further things where pro's could recover. This is slowly but surely changing now. Because of the new stadium, the team does a lot of their training sessions at the old Rosenau Stadium. The field is heated so that the problem with frozen grass is solved. Our coach already complained about the conditions and as soon as more money keeps floating into the FCA's wallet, they will build up a few training fields beside the new Impuls Arena.

  • Where is the Rosenau Stadium? on the same side of town as the HQ?

    How long has the club been in B2? Seems like its been a few seasons. The club needs to create new revenue sources.


    Special K is right on the beer, except for the Sam Adams.